Muffed Movies

Sophie, Dave, & Mark finish what they started 5 hours ago. Enjoy the fatigued, often obscene conclusion of Return of the King!

Pre-order Mark's novel: The Silent Scream of Melania Trump!


This is part three of a three-part episode.

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This episode is brought to you in part by Cards Against Humanity. Rejoice.

Blastropodcast is a member of the Chicago Podcast Cooperative.

This episode features "Quirky Dog" by Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Muffed Movies is a fan production which celebrates film through parody.

The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King was written by J.R.R. Tolkien. Its film was distributed by New Line Cinema.

Direct download: ROTK_Ep_3k11_AMP.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 5:00am CDT