Muffed Movies

*This is a big file, mama. Plz b patient w download!*

Guest editor and guest guest Grant Howitt (Hearty Dice Friends podcast) rejoins Mark at long last to conclude The Matrix in this double-long, double-strong episode!

This is part two of a two-part episode.

Thanks to Tori Kathyrn for contributing to Mark's Patreon!

Buy Mark a some precious toilet paper money through Ko-Fi!

Muffed Movies & Blastropodcast swag can be obtained at the Threadless store.

This was brought to you in part by Overcast.

Blastropodcast is part of the Chicago Podcast Cooperative.

Muffed Movies is a work of satire which celebrates films through parody.

The Matrix was distributed by Warner Bros. and produced by Joel Silver.

Direct download: Matrix_pt2.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 3:45pm CDT